The news on Friday sounded like every woman’s worst nightmare: two young women, employees at an upscale yoga store in one of the swankiest suburbs of D.C., were beaten and sexually assaulted in the store after closing time. One was murdered; the other injured. The murdered woman’s injuries were so brutal, experienced detectives were rattled.
Since then, many women have asked me what they can do to protect themselves. Based on my experience handling hundreds of sex-offense prosecutions and talking to investigators and women’s self-defense experts, here are my top tips.
Trust your instincts. We all have built-in alarm systems. You know that hair-standing-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling. Listen to it. Get out of a situation where you feel something is off – even if you can’t articulate why. Your unconscious mind takes in much more information than your conscious mind does, and it uses those neck hairs to send you the message. When you get that vague feeling, hit the road. You can figure out what exactly made you feel that way later – when you’re safe.
Don’t be afraid to be rude. As women, we’re taught from an early age to be polite and conversational. Predators use this to their advantage. “My car just broke down, can I use your phone?” is a classic way they get into your home. Same with, “Can I help you bring in your groceries?” Often these guys seem nice at first. Resist the urge to be sweet and polite – at least to strange men offering or asking for help.
Lock your doors and windows. This seems so elementary, but we forget it all the time. The East Coast Rapist would scope out apartment complexes, looking for openings. Out of a fifty-unit complex, he would attack the one woman who’d left her window or sliding-glass door open. (After thirteen years of attacks, the police arrested the alleged East Coast Rapist last week.) Get a good deadbolt and use it.
Lower the blinds when it’s dark outside. Some predators look into windows to find places that are empty or where only a woman is home.
Keep the exterior well-lit. Turn on the lights outside your house. Motion-sensor lights are also helpful. Predators are looking for an easy hit. Make your home a hard target.
Watch your back when you unlock your front door. This is a vulnerable time, when an attacker may push into your home.
Get a dog. This is the number one piece of casual advice police officers give about home safety. Predators and thieves just don’t want to deal with dogs. Alarm systems have also been shown to be a deterrent.
Be alert. Notice what’s going on around you.
Don’t wear headphones. We use only two senses to alert us to this kind of danger: sight and sound. Don’t deprive yourself of one of them.
Walk with confidence. Predators are looking for an easy target. Your gait can communicate that you’re physically capable and athletic (even if you’re not). Walk quickly, stand straight, and swing your arms a little.
No shortcuts. Avoid alleyways, woods, and the like. I can’t tell you how many sexual assaults start in the neighborhood “cut.” Walk on well-lit, busy streets.
Walk in groups whenever possible. This doesn’t guarantee safety – one of the East Coast Rapist’s last attacks involved three teenagers out trick-or-treating – he threatened them with a weapon and sexually assaulted two of them before the third girl texted for help. A few years ago, a gang of young men attacked couples taking romantic walks on the National Mall. So, it’s not a 100% guarantee – but you are much less likely to be attacked if you’re with other people.
If attacked, run and scream. A woman who both runs and screams has a good chance of getting away from a potential assailant. On the other hand, if a mugger just demands your purse, give it up. You can throw it on the ground and run in the other direction. Don’t fight over things you can replace. Everything in your purse is replaceable. You are not.
Never get in the car. If someone tries to force you into a car, fight like hell to get away. Your chances of surviving the encounter plummet once you get in. The reason he wants you in the car is to take you somewhere no one can see what he’s going to do. If someone had a gun pointed at my head and told me to get into his car, I’d run. He probably wouldn’t shoot me on the street, and even if he did, I’d rather take my chances with his aim then trust his goodwill once he has me in a secluded spot.
Go with friends. Look out for each other.
Watch your drink. Date rape drugs are a problem. Some taste salty or bitter, so if a drink tastes weird, stop drinking it. But some are tasteless. You could be taking a risk if you go back to a drink you’ve left unattended, or accept an open drink from a stranger. If you do start to feel woozy, have a trusted friend get you home ASAP.
Get tested. If you think you’ve been a victim of a date rape drug, go to a hospital and ask to be screened as soon as possible. These drugs are metabolized by the body quickly. Time is crucial.
Call the police immediately. Don’t bathe, brush your teeth or wash yourself in any way – this can destroy critical evidence against the attacker. The police will arrange for a sexual assault nurse examination, which will collect evidence which may be able to prove that the assault happened and identify the rapist. They will also give you medicine to protect against sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy. Most jurisdictions will also set you up with an advocate, who can help you with the emotional healing.
Note: these tips are for avoiding sexual assaults by a stranger. Most violence against women is perpetrated by someone the woman knows, often intimately. That’s a different issue. Click here for advice on acquaintance rape or domestic violence.
UPDATE: This story was written before police announced that there was no evidence of a sexual assault in the yoga-store case, and arrested the employee who was thought to be the second victim and charged her with murdering the other woman.
All views on this website are mine personally, and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Thank you for posting this, I’ll be sharing the tips with my younger sisters. I’ve been to that particular store many times, and it really hit home how even in neighborhoods considered safe we still need to look out for ourselves.
Thanks for your message Sharon. I’m glad the tips were useful and that you’re sharing them — I also emailed them to *my* two little sisters.
These are great tips, Allison. I’ve forwarded them to my daughter and her friends. My favorite tip is “Get a dog.” I have had cops tell me this is a better deterrent than an alarm or gun, as dogs are so noisy and unpredictable. We have four, and to confuse potential robbers, our massive dog with huge paws likes to jump up playfully, which has knocked grown men off their feet. Then our little terrier will bite them. Because she hates men. We haven’t had a real robber but they did this to the minister of our church once so we know the technique works.
That’s very funny, Ann. At least you know your minister won’t be burgling your house. I’m looking forward to taping our podcast on Monday!
Some of these are tough ones to follow for disabled and elderly women. For them, I’d add a few more:
1. Try not to be out alone ANYWHERE, even a mall, unless you’re prepared to deal with strangers AND are outwardly confident
2. Watch out for people pretending to “help” you – they could be waiting for a chance to grab your handbag. If you don’t need help, refuse it politle but firmly.
3 Don’t be shy about calling over the cops or security to help you. You can’t handle everything on your own, so know when you’re going to be out of your league.
4. Avoid confrontation – there are a lot of crazies out there who won’t hesitate to harass you or worse, despite or maybe because of your condition or age.
5. Avoid direct eye contact or prolonged conversation with anyone who gives you the “willies.”.
Hi Terri! Nice to “see” you here again. Thanks for adding to the tips. These are good.
How’s the writing coming? Hope you’re doing great!