Happy new year! I hope you had a great time celebrating, hanging with friends, watching the ball drop on TV, or doing whatever makes you happiest. Every New Year’s Eve, my husband and I sit down and recall our favorite moments of the year. I won’t bore you with tales of the cute things my kids said, but here are a few of my favorite professional moments of 2014.
In August, I was a featured speaker at the American Bar Association’s annual meeting in Boston. It was a wonderful honor, but what made it even better was that my father — also a former federal prosecutor — flew into town for the event. I got to publicly thank him for inspiring me with his work, his love, and his ideals.
On the way to Boston, my family and I stopped by Martha’s Vineyard to attend a book signing hosted by the terrific Linda Fairstein. Linda was Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit of the Manhattan DA’s Office for decades and now writes thrillers drawing on her experience. As a prosecutor, she’s a personal hero of mine. As a writer, she rocks. I was thrilled to appear with Linda and Joseph Finder at the lovely Edgartown Books mystery brunch. My husband, Mike, deserves great credit for somehow making our kids appear to be polite and well-bred citizens of the world during these events. The kiddos themselves had a blast in Massachusetts, not only practicing how to sit quietly during speeches, but also beachcombing, swimming and learning how to eat lobster.

Edgartown Books manager Susan Mercier, Linda Fairstein, Joseph Finder, yours truly

With apologies to Princess Buttercup.
In May, my publisher, Simon & Schuster, celebrated its 90th anniversary with a party at the beautiful Highline Hotel. I feel so fortunate to be part of this incredible publishing tradition, working with some of the best editors and business people in the the country. That night, I met Cary Elwes — yes, Wesley of The Princess Bride! — who recently published a book about making the movie. He graciously told all the ladies “As you wish,” which elicited more than a few shrieks. He kissed my hand and said it was a pleasure to meet me, and I displayed great dignity by not swooning.
Best of all: I finished my fourth novel! I’m so excited about this book — it’s my best one so far. This is the fourth outing for my series heroine, Anna Curtis. She goes home to Michigan to defend her sister Jody against a murder charge. The story tackles issues like the rape-kit backlog, public corruption, and Detroit’s attempt at a comeback. It’s also the most personal case for Anna yet. I can’t wait for you to be able to read it. A GOOD KILLING will come out this May, 2015 (you can pre-order it now).
Meanwhile, I hope you’re enjoying the first days of 2015, and that the new year brings you much luck, good health, happiness, success, and love!