Recap: First, let me say how much happier my Wednesday nights are now that SVU is back on the air. It was a long, grey March. Welcome home, SVU fans. Second, I thought this was a great way to start the new string of episodes: a strong, smart story about the important real-life subject of wrongful convictions.
We open with Olivia whispering sweet nothings into Harry Connick Jr.’s voice mail. She’s just left his warm bed to go to a crime scene. And, yowzers, is it a vicious one. A young woman has been tied up, tortured, and raped by a man wearing a sailor’s uniform. He poured ammonia in her eyes to try to blind her.
Olivia is stunned. She recognizes the assailant’s MO. She knows this guy – it’s Omar Pena. She put him in jail for life, 8 years ago.